Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take it all away lah senang cerita!

Hello guys,,it's been a while..haha,,well this post is actually what i've been 'pendam''s actually about my dad..i don't know la..but it's kinda funny and how silly-thinking was he...i've just had my dinner with my family(like usual)..then suddenly i ask my mom when will she be going to Jakarta,,she said "nanti mingu depan kot''.."diin ikut skali la..sebab tiket murah nih,,'' my mum add added,,i really don't want to go,so, i make the 'face'..haha"ke diin nak duduk kl??'' the the 'face' was off,,i really wanted to go there..because at K.l i can feel and be more productive insted of being here at home doing nothing everyday...i felt a useless guy here,in fact it is really such a waste of time and waste of 'beras'..if i stayed at my sister's, i might find a part-time job to earn some experience and money of course...even my sister invited me to come to her house...she want to show me around at Taylor's Lakeside Campus where i will be studied there soon..

But suddenly all the imaginations inside my imaginative cloud faded away being blown by my another sister,,she said "kak anis dah tak larat dah tu..dah la nak beranak dah'' because of her my mom changed her mom said "betul ke Nini?hmm..kalau camtu diin tak payah pergi la,,dgr tuh Kak Anis dah x larat dah,,macam mana nak jaga diin nanti??lagipun diin nak pergi buat apa kat sana?''she asked..i answered her question tell her what's going on..i tell her that i feel bored and non-productive...the my dad said ''diin camtu lah dia,,always expect everything would go on easy,,always make plans for should bincang dulu...when people say "it's my own life now" then there where problem came," that's what been said by my dad...i was quite disagree,,i'm 18 already,,why can't i make my own plans??even a past few days he scolded me that i was being useful,,he asked me to changed..and hell yeah i wanted to,but now??WTF?? then my mom said "why don't you just duduk kat rumah,,lagipun diin dah nak masuk belajar dah,," my dad supports her ''duduk rumah and prepare for your study,,baca dia punya field structure(where i was already do that many times)..or study french language,even you know the main subject is french language," then my mom asked "haa french..bukan sekarang dekat kedai ada jual dictionary untuk french language ke??" "tak payah buku-buku dah sekarang,internet ada,why don't you surf the net diin?" "macam mana nak surf?internet tak bayar,kalau bayar pun komputer diin papa ambil bawa gi kedai'' i answered, "komputer diin yg mana?'' asked my dad with 'muka tak bersalah' "alah,yang papa selalu guna kat bilik papa tu la.komputer tu diin punya sejak darjah 5 lagi,bila diin letak je kat bilik diin,,sedar sedar esok tu dah hilang papa ambil bawa gi kedai" that's what i answered with a relief..actually i'd been holding this for a long dad silent for a moment,running out of ideas.."alah,papa guna komputer tu bukan untuk apa pun,untuk bisnes gak," he said...

After that I'm sick with all the business thing which abide sons rights and needs,i left the table..while i was walking to the sink i didn't hear what he was mumbling..but i know he was trying to make me angry so that he could be angry too and want to argue with me more..but i just ignored it and walk to the stairs and took his laptop and use it now while i was typing this post....i don't know why my parents always wanted to control me,i know they love me,,but sometimes you must let go your love ones to pursue their own if you love your love ones,don't control,let them go,love them,,that's how you will earn your love back..that's what i'll do...for the time being i will stay being useless and non-productive until i found a perfect time to get out of this house..
